The Rescuers

Corrected entry: When Medusa is talking to Penny about being a good girl and going to get the diamond, she is taking off her make-up. She has one side of lipstick off, the right side. Then you see Penny. Then the shot goes back to Medusa and her lipstick on the left side is off, and it is on on the right side.

Correction: The first closeup shot is a shot facing the mirror. When we first see Medusa, it's into the mirror. Then the second time we see her, it's a wideshot, out of the mirror. Watch the towel wrapped around Medusa's head (like a turban). The end of the towel hangs out of the turban-like towel. In the closeup (mirror shot), the end of the towel hangs from the left. When we see her again, the end of the towel hangs out of the right side of the towel. The lipstick never swaps sides - one is a mirror view, the other isn't.


The Rescuers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bernard and Bianca arrive at the airport, and wait for Orville, Bianca removes her coat. Yet when we see her through the window, her coat has reappeared and it then vanishes again. (00:25:15)


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Rufus: Faith is a bluebird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it, or buy it, or wrap it up tight, but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.
Penny: Can't touch it, or buy it, or wrap it up tight, but it's there just the same, making things turn out right. But whoever adopts me has to adopt Teddy, too.
Rufus: Oh, they'll love him! He doesn't eat much, does he?

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Trivia: In the Rescue Aid Society mouse organisation building, you can see a Mickey Mouse watch hanging on the walls.

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Question: When Brutus and Nero capture Penny trying to run away, Brutus holds her by the straps on her dress. but when returning to the riverboat, Brutus holds Penny upside by her underwear. If it were possible, how would Brutus have managed to turn Penny upside down like that without releasing her and letting her run off again?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: It could be she got loose again when they were heading back and Brutus grabbed her again but this time by her underwear.


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