The Rescuers

Trivia: In the scene where Bianca & Bernard first fly with Orville the bird, they fly straight down beside a building. In one window that they pass, there is a topless woman in it. This was corrected about 4 years ago, and can be seen on the original VHS release if you go frame by frame.

Trivia: During the "Someone's Waiting For You" song, you can see Bambi and his Mother eating grass in the swamp. Their animation is directly traced from the scene right before Bambi's mother is killed.

Trivia: When Orville falls backwards from the top of the New York building at the end of the movie, a "Goofy Holler" can be heard.

Trivia: When Evinrude leads the Rescue Aid volunteers to help Miss Bianca and Bernard, look at the bottom of the tree they pass and you can see three toadstools that form a "Hidden Mickey."

Trivia: In the Rescue Aid Society mouse organisation building, you can see a Mickey Mouse watch hanging on the walls.

The Rescuers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Orville the albatross flies the mice with a sardine can attached to his back, however, when he lands at Devil's Bayou, the sardine can disappears after he is hit by Mr. Snoops' fireworks. (00:34:05)


More mistakes in The Rescuers

Miss Bianca: Captain, you fly beautifully. It's just like being on a "roller scoater."
Bernard: He just went through a red light.
Miss Bianca: I do that all the time, darling. Now come on, stop worrying.

More quotes from The Rescuers

Question: When Brutus and Nero return Penny to the riverboat after catching her while she tries to run away, what would have happened if Medusa was already at the riverboat by then instead searching the swamp in her swamp mobile?


Chosen answer: She may have been very upset with Penny for running away. But she may have also had a talk with her like she does much later in the movie about why she needs her for finding the diamond.

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