Run Lola Run

Revealing mistake: When Lola screams and the glass clock smashes, you can see the small pellet that makes it shatter, go through the glass and then bounce off the wall. (00:20:40)


Run Lola Run mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When there is a car crash, and a motorcyclist flies over one of the cars, as he rolls towards the windshield we see the whole windshield intact. Then when the motorcyclist rolls and hits the windshield, large cracks are clearly visible, way before the man hits the glass. (01:00:30)


Run Lola Run mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the ambulance smashes into the large pane of glass, you can see the explosive charge which really shatters the glass. The glass also smashes moments before the ambulance comes into contact with it. (00:47:40)


Revealing mistake: When Lola screams and the glass clock smashes, you can see the small pellet that makes it shatter, go through the glass and then bounce off the wall. (00:20:40)

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Herr Schuster: The ball is round, a game lasts 90 minutes, everything else is pure theory. Off we go.

More quotes from Run Lola Run

Trivia: Run Lola, Run actually inspired the first Episode of Alias. The red hair, all the running, etc.

More trivia for Run Lola Run

Question: Does anyone know why the security guard outside the bank in the third scenario stares at Lola for so long after she has failed calling her Dad back?

Answer: He stares at her thinking that she is a prostitute. After he makes some snide remarks, he relizes that she is Lola and has a heart attack. She later basically saves his life by simply holding his hand in the ambulance.


More questions & answers from Run Lola Run

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