Valentine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene right after Shelly's funeral when Kate and 'Adam' are talking by his car, he goes to kiss her when they are done. He tries to kiss her on the lips, but she moves to the side. At first he is kissing her on the left cheek and when the camera changes positions, he is kissing her on her right cheek. (00:17:50)

Continuity mistake: When Dorothy is letting Campbell live in her home, he picks up his bag and puts it on his shoulder. When he leans in to kiss her, there is no strap on his shoulder, then it's back again in the next shot.

Continuity mistake: Shelly stabs the killer in the leg with the scalpel. But when we see the killer following her, he seems unhurt and there is no blood or anything.

Revealing mistake: When Kate is on the phone complaining about the water being cut off, the iron overheats. Kate then runs over to it, and the shadow of a crewmember is cast on the iron and ironing board, then moves out of sight. (00:23:30)


Revealing mistake: When the Cherub grabs Ruthie and throws her into the shower glass panel, look very closely and the glass is all smashed before she even touches it. (01:09:15)


Factual error: Ruthie gets impaled on a jagged shard of glass from a modern shower door, but shower doors are made of safety glass (since 1977) - when they break they don't leave sharp knife-like shards, only tiny pieces.

Continuity mistake: Lily gets shot at the video show by the killer. The first arrow hits her stomach. In the close-up shot, the arrow is higher, just underneath her chest. (00:35:40)


Continuity mistake: In the scene when Kate is in the shower, in the opening shot, in her lounge the camera pans past a bookcase and into the bathroom. Kate then hears a noise, gets out the shower, and finds the water is cut off. When she uses the phone, halfway through her call, her iron overheats. The iron and ironing board are right beside the bookcase that the camera panned past in the opening shot. Trouble is, the iron and ironing board weren't by the bookcase in the opening shot. (00:21:50 - 00:23:30)


Continuity mistake: When Paige is in the hot tube, minutes before her death, you can see the killer looking at her. There is a noise, and she looks back for a few short seconds but there has already been a rose placed there for her BEFORE she turns around to see what the noise is, she just doesn't notice it until she turns back around.

Factual error: When Lily is being shot by the arrows, the first arrow just lands nicely in her chest, but when she falls out to the balcony after the second arrow is shot, they have gone all the way through her body.

Revealing mistake: In the beginning of the movie when the medical examiner is about to perform the autopsy, if you look at the cadaver's stomach, you can clearly see that it is breathing.

Other mistake: When the cherub stabs all the body bags, he finds the one the girl is in then stabs her and blood drains down through the tube. That only happens when the body is on the draining table. Are we to think there was a hole in the bag? And even if there was, there's no way blood could have filled up the bag and drained out that fast.

Continuity mistake: When Paige is thrown in the hot tub by the Cherub, he pulls the cover over. Where did it come from? You don't see it before she is killed.

Plot hole: Why did the killer cut off the hot water? Did he think that Dorothy would come down and turn it back on herself with all those staff members in the house?

Continuity mistake: At the end, when the killer leaves Denise Richards a rose, you can see how badly the scene has been edited. If you watch closely you'll see that the rose appears from nothing - one moment there is nothing and the very next moment it is there, and it certainly doesn't look like someone's putting it, as it should be.

Valentine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Adam gives Kate the lollipop as a gift, Kate writes "IOU TLC" on a laundry ticket. As she takes the ticket out her bag, there is the number "6443" printed in red on it. When she hands him the ticket though, the number is now "6335." (00:47:55)


Continuity mistake: When Paige is upstairs with that guy, she tells him to take off his pants and shirt and then she kisses him and places her hands on his chest, but when the camera angle changes just before she throws him on the bed, her hands are on his arms.

Continuity mistake: When the main girl gives David Boreanaz the note on the back of her dry cleaning ticket, she writes it very sloppily, but then towards the end of the movie when she finds Detective Vaugh's head in the pond with the same note next to it, it's written VERY neatly.

Continuity mistake: When Ruthie hits the killer with the pool stick, he has a long coat which goes down near his feet, but when he throws her through the shower and is trying to push her head down on the glass, he has a short coat which only goes down to his knees.

Paige Prescott: Detective Vaughn, please remove your hand from my thigh.
Det. Leon Vaughn: Okay, where would you like me to put it?
Paige Prescott: How about up your ass?

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Trivia: Adam's girlfriend makes a reference to him being "no Angel". David Boreanaz, who plays Adam, plays Angel/Angelus on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off series, Angel.

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Question: I don't get the ending. We see Adam shot the masked person who is Dorothy, so I figured the killer was Dorothy, but reading a correction entry it states that it's obvious the killer was Adam. If the killer was Adam then how did he get Dorothy in the suit and mask and then make her attack her friend before shooting her?

Answer: If you remember, Dorothy kind of stumbled into her friend from around a corner before they both fell down the stairs. Adam could have quite easily forced her into the costume and then pushed her, making her seem like she was trying to attack her friend.

Answer: There's a deleted scene which shows Adam attacking and putting the costume on her.


Answer: The first chapter shows Jeremy Milton as a boy getting attacked and in the background there is a person wearing the mask at the party. Weird considering the mask wasn't suppose to come around for 13 years.

What exactly do you mean about the mask not coming around for 13 years. The whole reason he chose that mask was because it was at the Valentine's Day dance when they all accused him and beat him.

Answer: Both were working together because both experienced rejection and both concealed their distaste towards their fake friends equally. In the beginning just before the first murder she (the med student) put the knife on the belly button getting ready to make an incision. Guys are hairy down there unless they shave, even then you can still tell. Also, girls' skin texture is different from that of a man. This includes the abdomen. That was a feminine abdomen. I'll add to this more, you saw how the masked killer was stabbing the body bags. There was some struggle in the stabbing since women are not as muscular and women move differently compared to men. Also, remember the scene at the house party in which the women hit the masked killer with a poolstick over the head. After the mask killer kills her, in the next scene you see Dorthy checking her head in the mirror as if she is looking for a mark.

Answer: Why didn't she scream or say it's me Dorothy or even just take the mask off.

When Dorothy fell and then regained consciousness it took her a few seconds for her to come round and Adam shot her before she had time to sat anything at all or either Adam and Dorothy may have been working together.

Answer: Well you're all forgetting about the parents. Unless Jeremy had some sort of record the school and their parents would discover the truth thus making his imprisonment not needed.


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