Road House

Road House (2024)


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Dalton: This piano is out of tune.
Knox: Sounds pretty good to me.

[On board a small boat.]
Knox: Lookie here, our own little octagon.
Dalton: What? Who taught you shapes?

Jon Sandys

Knox: Looks like I fucked up your leg.
Dalton: You're a shit driver.
Knox: Wrong side of the road.

Dalton: You know, it's strange. Somebody else asked me if I was afraid today. I am afraid. I'm afraid of what happens when somebody pushes me too far. Somebody just like you. 'Cause I know what happens next.

Character mistake: Characters frequently refer to there being crocodiles living in the water. Alligators live in Florida, not crocodiles. And although they are closely related, they are not the same species.

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Trivia: The restaurant near the bookstore where Charlie works is called the Double Deuce. Double Deuce was the name of the Road House in the 1989 film version.

Gavin Jackson

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