O (2001)

5 mistakes

(9 votes)

Continuity mistake: At the slam dunk contest, after O completes his dunk, there is glass all over the court. When the kid comes to get the ball, you can see that all the glass is cleaned up and there again right before O throws the ball. (01:02:06)

Plot hole: About half way through the movie, the basketball coach is in his office and you can see a dry-erase board behind him, and a couple of dates such as 3-15-99... however earlier in the movie when they are announcing the basketball game they say that it is the 2000 season. They obviously changed the voice over to 2000 after the release date was changed, however the dates on the board are still referring to the scheduled '99 release.

Continuity mistake: When Hugo is in the drug dealers apartment, getting injected with drugs, he has a green jacket on, but in the next shot he is just wearing white.

Continuity mistake: Early in the movie when Odin is being awarded the MVP everyone is cheering. We see a view from behind "O" and he is jumping around, the next shot is in front and he's calm and composed.

Continuity mistake: The night that the plan with the killings take place Hugo serves Mikey some drinks. Hugo has two small glasses out and is pouring a drink into one class and he pours the all of the drink into one cup making it halfway full. Yet, when he picks his glass up its one quarter way full and Mikey's glass has liquid in it, but Hugo never poured any in Mikeys glass.

Odin: Jason, ask him why he did it. Ask him.
Hugo: You won't ask me nothing. I did what I did, and that's all you need to know. From here on out, I say nothing.

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Trivia: During the last basketball game of the movie, there is a shot of the coach, and you see some of the other team's boys warming up. Their school is on the front of their shirts. The school is Stratford, which being an Othello remake is a direct reference to William Shakespeare and his birthplace Stratford-on-Avon.

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Question: What is the significance of the birds?

Answer: Peace.

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