Damien: Omen II

Damien ends up finding who he is and wrestles with his conscience and his cousin Mark finds out also and refuses to join him when Damien asks him too, after he finds out that hekille dhis cousin, he gets rather upset. Later on he ends up using the freaky mind tricks and incinerates the academy then walks outside with a weird ass look on his face

James Ward

Revealing mistake: When Joan Hart is knocked down by the truck she is replaced by an obvious dummy, it is more obvious when the dummy hits the ground.

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Trivia: The winter scene was shot at Eagle River, Wisc. which is in the deep woods. When the Hollywood crew showed up, they brought along fake trees. Those trees were definitely not needed.

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Question: When Damien killed Mark, he screamed and started to cry. Was he truly upset that he killed him, or was he putting on a show for his aunt and uncle?

Answer: Damien is still very conflicted, having thought of himself as a regular boy his entire life. While he is slowly embracing his nature, he hasn't lost his emotions, and he's crying because he's actually sad that he had to kill his friend.

Answer: He was truly upset, as he had not come to terms with being the Antichrist yet.

Jukka Nurmi

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