Dr. Garvin: I thought you were the intelligent species here, Scoresby.
Scoresby: Shut your cakehole, Garvin.
Tonowari: Tsireya, you disappoint me daughter. And you, son of a great warrior who has been taught better.
Lo'ak: What happened? Why are you alone?
Payakan: It's too painful.
Recom Wainfleet: Let's go buttercup, get up.
Kiri: I'm not your buttercup, perv.
Jake Sully: I need you with me. And I need you to be strong. Strong heart.
Lo'ak: Outcast - that's all they see.
Tsireya: I see you.
Lo'ak: The way of water connects all things. Before your birth, and after your death.
Jake Sully: I see now. I can't save my family by running. This is our home. This is our fortress. This is where we make our stand.