Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Plot hole: Brent discovers that Taylor is on the planet and has a connection to Nova through the dog tags she is wearing. However, throughout the first movie, Taylor never had any dog tags on his person. Also, his ship was destroyed, and he only managed to retrieve a life raft and supplies. His belongings and clothing were taken from him when he was apprehended by the apes. Taylor should never have had any dog tags to give to Nova or for Brent to discover. (00:11:10)

Casual Person

Deliberate mistake: There are no lights ever to be found in the underground world and the ceiling is literally the surface's ground, but there is still a perfect level of lighting regardless.

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More mistakes in Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Cornelius: If you are caught by the gorillas, you must remember one thing.
John Brent: What's that?
Cornelius: Never to speak.
John Brent: What the hell would I have to say to a gorilla?

More quotes from Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Trivia: The "New York City" sets for this movie were previously used for the movie Hello Dolly.


More trivia for Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Question: When Taylor investigated the rocks, he aims the butt of his rifle at the rocks and then he fades through the rocks and he vanishes. What exactly was the cliff he fell through? Was it a hologram or a mirage or something?

Casual Person

Chosen answer: The mutated humans (the ones with the bomb) have telekinetic powers and projected the image into Taylor's mind, the same way they did with the fire with the apes.


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