Young Guns 2

Trivia: John Chisum convinces Pat Garrett to accept a job as the new Lincoln County sheriff. James Coburn (Chisum) himself played Garrett in the Sam Peckinpah movie "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid."

Cubs Fan

Trivia: When the prisoners escape the pit that Doc and Chavez were held in, there's a prisoner that gets out, gets a gun, and tries to shoot one of the guards, only to be shot in the chest and do a back flip back into the pit. It's Jon Bon Jovi (who did the soundtrack for the movie).

Continuity mistake: Late in the movie, Billy is captured and jailed in an upstairs room with Bell to guard him. A knock sounds at the door and Bill raises his rifle (cocked) and points it at the door. The door is opened revealing a lady. Bell, still aiming the rifle (now suddenly uncocked), quickly lowers it.

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William H. Bonney: "Buckshot George", that's your name. You wanted a name, that's it. "Buckshot George." It's a good name.
Hendry French: My name is Hendry William French.
William H. Bonney: That's a good name too.

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Question: What happened to Doc's girlfriend from the first film? She risked her life to be with him at the end of Young Guns, so its a little odd that there's no mention of her in this film.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Doc says in the movie he is married with kids. So you have to assume he married her.

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