Young Guns
Young Guns mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the shot where Dirty Steve is on his horse, he asks, "Hey Dog, did you see the size of that chicken?", and then he fires his shotgun. You can see someone's hand come up to grab the reigns of the horse. (00:43:25)

Young Guns mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end when they're entering the Mexican village, Billy's coat disappears as he rides through the gate. (01:17:45)

Young Guns mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Tunstall arrives at his place with Billy for the first time, Tunstall is clean shaven. At dinner that same night, he has a mustache.


Revealing mistake: There is a scene where one of them jumps on a horse, and you can see one of the crew holding on to the reigns as the horse throws its head back.

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"Dirty Steve" Stephens: Did you guys see the size of that chicken?

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Trivia: When the Regulators are making their escape out of the house at the end, if you look at the extra shot right after Charlie (Casey Sizemaszko) busts out of the house, you'll see a young Tom Cruise. He was on-set visiting with friend Emilio Estevez and got into makeup (including huge sideburns) and on-screen.

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Question: Did that bounty hunter in the bar ever realise that he was in fact talking to Billy the Kid... Prior to being shot?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: He may have. When Billy started whistling, the bounty hunter's face changes. He continues to speak to Billy in a dismissive tone, but does eventually pull the trigger (although Billy had unloaded the pistol). Hard to believe he would just shoot some mouthy kid in a bar.

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