Mrs. Biddle: This man out of absolutely nowhere, this man appeared. Heh! So charming. Not really handsome, but... riveting. Yes, that's the word. I was riveted. I was looking into his eyes, and I found myself thinking thoughts I hadn't entertained since World War II. I think I actually... blushed.
Daryl Van Horne: Men are such cocksuckers aren't they? You don't have to answer that. It's true. They're scared. Their dicks get limp when confronted by a woman of obvious power and what do they do about it? Call them witches, burn them, torture them, until every woman is afraid. Afraid of herself... afraid of men... and all for what? Fear of losing their hard-on.
Daryl Van Horne: I see men running around trying to put their dicks into everything, trying to make something happen... but it's women who are the source... the only power. Nature, birth, rebirth. Cliche? Cliche... sure... but true.
Daryl Van Horne: I see men, sixty, seventy years old breaking their balls to stay fit! What for? When I die, I want to be sick, not healthy.
Alexandra Medford: Who are you?
Daryl Van Horne: Just your average, horny little devil.
Sukie Ridgemont: What scares me isn't how short life is, no, it's the pain, all the pain. I don't understand why there has to be any pain.
Alexandra Medford: I don't think that men are the answer to everything.
Sukie Ridgemont: No.
Jane Spofford: Then why do we always end up talking about them?
Daryl Van Horne: Well, if that's how you feel about it, then that's how you feel about it. Is that how you feel about it?
Alexandra Medford: I hope his dick is bigger than his I.Q.
Daryl Van Horne: You haven't seen any snowy egrets around here, have you?
Alexandra Medford: No.
Daryl Van Horne: Me either. Not that I'd know a snowy egret if I were pissing on one. You want some lunch?
Alexandra Medford: I think it's a little late in the season.
Daryl Van Horne: For lunch?
Alexandra Medford: No, pissing on birds.
Daryl Van Horne: You may think me crazy, but I know music. It's the one thing that makes me humble.
Answer: His first encounter with Jane.