Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise (1995)

1 corrected entry

(3 votes)

Corrected entry: When they're in the record store, there is not a single album printed in German. One would expect to find some English language pressings in a store in Vienna, but not every single one of them.

Correction: Most records store with multiple language offerings don't mix those albums. Each language gets its own section, so the English section would only have albums in English.


Factual error: When asked, Julie Delpy says the reason her English is so good is because she spent a summer in LA. Come on. Even after a year, almost no one could manage to speak and pronounce a foreign language that well, let alone in a summer. Her English is very nearly flawless. We know she has spent some time in London before, but if she had stayed there long enough to learn to speak such good English, she would have learned it the way they speak it there, which means she would have a British accent and not an American one. Someone - whether or not she's a native speaker - doesn't change accents after spending a mere three months somewhere.


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