Dusty: He's gonna rue the day he came up against The Extreme, baby. Bill, I'm talkin' imminent rueage.
Melissa: She didn't marry your penis... Okay, she didn't only marry your penis.
Dusty: He strolls up to the twister, and he says *have a drink*. And he chucks the bottle into the twister, and it never hits the ground.
Dusty: Meg's gravy is famous. It's practically a food group.
Melissa: Well, I, uh, it was a pleasure meeting you.
Aunt Meg: Likewise. You better run.
Bill: Why can't we spend a normal day together?
Melissa: I gotta go Julia, we got cows.
Dusty: "The Suck Zone." It's the point basically when the twister... Sucks you up. That's not the technical term for it, obviously.
Dusty: You just missed that truck! That's awesome! That's awesome!
Dusty: Jo! Bill! It's coming! It's headed right for us!
Bill: It's already here.
Chosen answer: I imagine they just left it at the house where they loaded the Dorothys. You only need a couple of wrenches to remove a camper top.
Grumpy Scot
They were not at a house.