Jack Issel: Exactly what is our side of the Allenville story?
Max Landsberger: Were losing money hand over fist.
Jack Issel: That's not true.
Max Landsberger: No, but it's our side of the story. Lesson No.55: there are no truths, only stories.
Max Landsberger: Lesson No.1: beware of the furniture movers. When the axe falls, they're usually the first to know. People see them coming and they shit.
Don King: Mr. Chairman, we are a company on the move. I have two mega stocks and a super promotional idea that can bring INC from $500 million, to $1 billion in gross revenue. That is not about white power, nor is it about black power. It's about green power! Money! M-O-N-E-Y! We're talking about geometric progression. One... four... eight... 16... the numbers boggle the mind! So in conclusion, all we have to do is to get off the dime, and put this show on the road. Thank you very much.
Max Landsberger: Lesson No.4: the secret to survival here is never make a decision.
Jack Issel: Never?
Max Landsberger: Never. The minute you do, you're screwed.