True Lies
Movie Quote Quiz

Gib: Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't kill 'em.

Albert Gibson: You know what? I'm sick of being in the van. You guys are going to be in the van next time. I've been in the van for 15 years, Harry.


Helen: Have you ever killed anyone?
Harry: Yeah, but they were all bad.

Salim Abu Aziz: You have killed our women and our children, bombed our cities from afar like cowards, and you dare to call *us* terrorists?

Helen: I married Rambo!

Doctor: Is there anything you would like to tell me before we start?
Harry: Yes, I am going to kill you very soon.
Doctor: Oh, how?
Harry: First I am going to use you as a human shield, and then I am going to kill that guard over there with that screwdriver... And then I was thinking about breaking your neck.
Doctor: I see, and what makes you think you can do all that?
Harry: You know my handcuffs?
Doctor: Hmm.
Harry: I picked them.

Aziz: Do you know what this is?
Harry: I know what this is. This is an espresso machine. No, no. It's a snow cone maker. That's what it is. Is it a water heater?

Juno Skinner: Did you tell her about us, Harry?
Harry Tasker: There is no us, you psychopathic bitch.

Spencer Trilby: Don't you have anything remotely substantial, Harry? Do you have any hard data?
Harry Tasker: Well, nothing that you would call rock hard.
Albert Gibson: Actually, it's pretty limp, sir.
Spencer Trilby: Well, perhaps you better get some before someone parks an automobile in front of the White House with a nuclear weapon in the trunk!

Harry: You tell on me, I tell on you.
Gib: What are you talking about? I'm as clean as a preacher's sheets.
Harry: What about the time you blew a six week operation because you busy getting a blow job, huh?
Gib: You knew about that?

Gib: You must plant the bug near the telephone by the bed before you leave. If you do not complete your mission, the deal is off. [He hangs up the phone]. I'm gonna go to hell.

Gib: Get lost, dipshit. [Shoots at Simon's feet.]

Gib: Oh yeah! That worked good! Right out the old front gate!

Guard: Sir? May I see your invitation, please?
Harry: Sure, here is my invitation. [Remote detonates the bomb at the boathouse].

Harry: See, this is the problem with terrorists. They're really inconsiderate when it comes to people's schedules.

True Lies mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the scene where Arnold's character is escaping from the mansion at the beginning of the movie, there is a part where he is running down a snowy hill through trees. At one point during the hill scene, Arnold does a flip head first. When he lands the flip, you can clearly see the stunt double's face as he turns to shoot at more bad guys. (00:13:30)

More mistakes in True Lies

Trivia: The shots of Jamie Leigh Curtis hanging beneath the helicopter were pick up shots - it was mostly stuntwoman Donna Keegan. Cameron wanted an actual shot of Jamie Leigh Curtis - she had to be convinced to do her own stunt for it, with Cameron offering to hang out of the helicopter with the camera to get the shot. It was filmed on her 35th birthday.

Mark Bernhard

More trivia for True Lies

Question: How could Harry have known what floor the terrorist leader was going to get off on during the hotel chase sequence?


Chosen answer: He didn't really. Harry just knew he was heading up. He pressed the top floor to get the elevator moving and kept an eye on him on the way up. If the terrorist's elevator suddenly stops, Harry can press the button for that floor to stop his elevator.


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