A Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Movie Quote Quiz

Brandi Web: You know, a man just comes along and he buys us off a shelf. Then he plays. Plays with us until he thinks we're no longer fun. Or until he gets us all dirty, right? Then he just wants to throw us away.

Ma Wright: I know you didn't touch her, baby. I raised you better than that. The Lord must've been watching out over your stupid ass.
Darnell 'Deeny: Hey, I cut her off. She was into some crazy shit, mama. She was wild - buck wild.

Brandi Web: You put your hands on the wrong woman.

Brandi Web: I'm not going to shoot you. Not for myself, no. I'm going to shoot you for all women.

Brandi Web: I don't know what your selling... but I'm not buying.

Visible crew/equipment: Lawrence's girlfriend's mother is yelling at him as she walks to her chauffeured car, parked at the curb in front of Lawrence's house. After she climbs in and shuts the door, you can clearly see the reflection of the cameraman and the boom operator.

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