Question: At Jack Jr's birthday party, you don't see Shelby's head at all... It was her 'body' because later that day she is wearing the same shirt when she gets her hair cut. Was there a sit in for Julia Roberts in that scene?
Answer: Yes, there was a sit-in. My mom was Julia's double for this movie. Jack Jr. was played by two babies, my brother being one of them. My brother was upset during this scene and was being held by our mom.
Answer: I believe that Jack Jr is being held by a man. When you freeze the scene, you can see facial hair on the chin and when the person says "blow, blow" it sounds to be a man trying to sound like a woman.
I actually think it's a man, too. The person's hands seem to be deliberately hidden.
Answer: I agree with the other answers that this was probably the child's real mother and not Julia Roberts. It was probably because the boy was upset, but major movies do use second and third-unit directors and often shoot scenes using a body-double as a stand-ins so that other scenes can be filmed simultaneously with the principal actors. It shortens the film's production time and is more economical. It's possible that Roberts was shooting another scene elsewhere. Also, it's definitely not Jack's father (Dylan McDermott) holding him as he is sitting next to Shelby and is saying "blow." It was also not Shelby's father (Tom Skerrit) holding Jack, as he is videotaping the party at the opposite end of the table.
Answer: It was said that the child actor was crying, so they had his real mother sit with him in that scene instead of Julia.
Answer: No. It wasn't a man. It was the child's real mother holding her kid during the scene. The kid wouldn't shut up with the crying and only would calm itself sitting on the mother's lap.
Answer: It's Shelby's father that is holding him.
Shelby's father is across the table taking pictures.
Question: When Shelby is telling her mom about the pregnancy, what does Shelby mean when she says, "I think it would help things a lot"?
Answer: She did say he likes to hunt for everything.
Answer: I always felt it meant her husband is cheating on her. And so her having the baby would hopefully help them get back together.
Question: In the scene where Shelby and Jackson are eating the wedding cake, what was the point of Nancy Beth telling Shelby that Jackson is "one big-hanging man"? And how does Nancy Beth even know?
Answer: Reading this answer, I just now put two and two together. While it's obvious Nancy Beth is referring to the fact that she's been with Jackson intimately, it kind of refers to the "ladies man" persona Jackson has. It also foreshadows for later in the film, when Shelby bitterly says, "Jackson loves to hunt for anything", he is what used to be called "a skirt chaser." I always felt that having babies wasn't the only reason Shelby reconsidered marrying Jackson. I always suspected she feared womanizing on the side would happen.
Answer: She's basically saying she has had a piece of him already and was trying to ruin her day by reminding her of their affair. This also helps clarify when Shelby tells her mom she's pregnant, that they are having marital problems pretty much he is cheating on her.
Answer: She'd definitely been to bed with him. Nancy Beth was known as kind of loose, as you can see her mom had to reel her in at the wedding. Then there was the Miss Merry Christmas scandal where she was stripped of her title because she was found in a hotel room with I believe one of the judges. Shelby tried to appease Jackson by having a baby, to try to keep his interest at home.
Question: What is the food the two women are serving at the fair?
Answer: It's called a "Low Country Boil".
Answer: It's a combination of potatoes, corn on the cobb, shrimp and crawfish and seasonings usually called a shrimp bake.
Yummy. I'm an Aussie so that is something I've never heard of.
Question: Where was Jackson when Shelby was dying?
Answer: He was at the hospital, often by her bedside. He signs the permission form to remove Shelby from life support. Later, at the cemetery, M'Lynn says she was the only one in the family able to remain in the room as Shelby passed. Jackson, Drum, and Shelby's two brothers were too emotionally devastated to stay and went to the waiting area. As in the entire movie, there was more focus on M'Lynn and Shelby's relationship and a mother's reaction to losing her daughter.
Thank you. I watched it again and saw that. I don't know how I missed it.
Question: When Shelby invites Annell to her reception and offers her something to wear, she says she's going to call the house. Who would she be calling? There was no-one there except Drum and the boys outside and the reception staff.
Answer: I believe it is because the child playing Jack Jr. was basically crying through this whole scene, as you can see. It's most likely his (actually her, as the real baby was a girl) real mother holding him to calm him down. Also, when the family is saying "Blow, blow," you can hear a female voice that is neither Julia Roberts or Sally Field.
When she is sitting with Jack Jr, it is before she goes to get her hair cut. When she tells M'Lynn she wants to cut her hair, she is wearing it in a banana clip and you can see the hair past her shoulders. When "she's" sitting with Jack Jr, there's no hair to be seen. Total stand in.
Daniel Camp is the actor who played Jack Jr.
Along with Daniel two other children played Jack Jr, C. Houser and Clara Gabrielle.