Howard Payne: See, I'm in charge here! I drop this stick, and they pick your friend here up with a sponge! Are you ready to die, friend?
Harry: Fuck you!
Howard Payne: Oh! In two hundred years we've gone from "I regret but I have one life to give for my country" to "Fuck you!"?
Jack: You're crazy! You're fuckin' crazy!
Howard Payne: NO! Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric.
Swat Cop: Anything else that'll keep this elevator from falling?
Jack: Yeah. The basement.
[Howard hears on the news of Helen's death.]
Howard Payne: Interactive TV, Jack. It's the wave of the future.
Jack: Harry! Tell me good news, man.
Howard Payne: Oh, I'm sorry, Jack. He didn't make it.
Jack: You, FUCK!
Howard Payne: It was the watch that lead him to me, wasn't it? Huh? It seemed a little hammy to me to build a bomb out of my precious retirement gift, but, you know, I figured a sign that said "Howard Payne" would be pushing it.
Jack: I'm gonna rip your fucking spine out, I swear to God.
Harry Temple: All right, pop quiz. Airport, gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover; he's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away... Jack?
Jack: Shoot the hostage.
Helen: Are they going to help us?
Stephens: Sure they are, they're the police. Hey, your taxes are paying their salaries. We die, they gotta take a pay cut.
Howard Payne: Jack, nothing tricky now. You know I'm on top of you! DO NOT attempt to grow a brain!
Howard Payne: This day has been real disappointing, I don't mind saying.
Jack: Why, because you didn't get to kill everyone?
Howard Payne: There will come a time, boy, when you will wish you never met me.
Jack: Mister, I'm already there.
Howard Payne: I'm the guy with the plan 'cause I'm smarter. I'm smarter than you.
[Howard gets decapitated by a light in the subway tunnel.]
Jack: Yeah? Well I'm taller.
Jack: Tell me again Harry, why did I take this job?
Harry Temple: Oh come on, thirty more years of this, you get a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch.
Jack: Cool.
Answer: He's taller now because he has his head while the villain does not!
Grumpy Scot