The Sound of Music

Continuity mistake: Before the Edelweiss song, the Baroness takes a glass to her lips, but a a frame later her hand is down.


Continuity mistake: When Rolf brings a telegram he extends his arm and immediately after, he lowers it. A frame later it's extended and he is lowering again.


Continuity mistake: When the ballroom dance starts, the Capt. and the Baroness greet the guests. The number of people walking down the stairs behind them increase, decrease or simply disappear between shots.


Continuity mistake: While looking at the front of the house at night time, you see there is a window above the door, which is lit from behind. From the inside of the house, the front door doesn't have a window but has wainscoting above it.

Continuity mistake: When the captain sings for the first time and hugs the children, Gretl is under his left arm. In the next shot, he raises his arm and she is nowhere to be seen. Then, when Maria motions for Gretl to give the Baroness the edelweiss, she is back under his arm.

Continuity mistake: Liesl creeps through the window and explains herself to Maria, standing by the middle of the bed. When the angle changes she is by the side of the bed. Then the angle changes and she is back by the middle side.


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Maria: I don't understand.
Captain von Trapp: Well, we called off our engagement, you see, and...
Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.
Captain von Trapp: Yes. You are?
Maria: Mm-hmm. You did?
Captain von Trapp: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else... Can you?

More quotes from The Sound of Music

Trivia: In the boating scene, Kym Karath (Gretl) nearly drowned when she fell in the water. The scene originally called for Julie Andrews (Maria) to pull her out of the water as Kym couldn't swim, but Andrews fell out of the wrong side of the boat. In fact, the crew had to stop filming to rescue Kym. In the movie Heather Menzies (Louisa) pulls her out - Kym threw up on her after swallowing so much water.

More trivia for The Sound of Music

Question: In the scene where the nuns are singing 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria', one nun says 'I even heard her singing in the abbey.' This is used as though Maria was doing something bad, but throughout this song, aren't the nuns in the abbey, and aren't they singing? If it was so wrong for Maria to do this, why is it okay for them?

Answer: Postulants/Novices, such as Maria, were forbidden from singing in the Abbey. However, these rules did not necessarily apply to the sisters who are singing. In addition, it's a musical, and the nuns weren't "really" singing. Their complaints about Maria are simply put into a song.

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