The Sound of Music
Movie Quote Quiz

Maria: I am not finished yet, Captain!
Captain Von Trapp: Oh yes you are, Captain! Fraulein, you will pack your things this minute and return to the Abbey.

Maria: You know how Sister Berthe always makes me kiss the floor after we've had a disagreement? Well, lately I've taken to kissing the floor whenever I see her coming, just to save time.

Maria: I don't understand.
Captain von Trapp: Well, we called off our engagement, you see, and...
Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.
Captain von Trapp: Yes. You are?
Maria: Mm-hmm. You did?
Captain von Trapp: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else... Can you?

Maria: When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.

Maria: Kurt, how are you?
Kurt: Hungry.

The Baroness: My dear, is there anything you can't do?
Maria: Well, I'm not sure I'll make a very good nun.
The Baroness: If you have any problems, I'll be happy to help you.

Max: Hold on. What's so funny?
Captain von Trapp: You are, Max. Expensive, but very funny.

Frau Schmidt: The Von Trapp children don't play. They march.

The Baroness: Somewhere out there is a lady who I think will never be a nun. Auf Wiedersehen, darling.

Captain von Trapp: Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you intend on leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of... Indigestion?

Maria: I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things - anything and everything I think and feel.
Mother Abbess: Some people would call that honesty.
Maria: Oh, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother.

Max: How many have I had?
Maid: Two.
Max: Make it an uneven three.

Captain von Trapp: Oh, there's nothing wrong with the children. Only the governesses.

Mother Abbess: Maria, these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live.

Revealing mistake: When the kids step out of the water and walk towards the house, the floor is already soaking wet from previous takes.


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Trivia: In the boating scene, Kym Karath (Gretl) nearly drowned when she fell in the water. The scene originally called for Julie Andrews (Maria) to pull her out of the water as Kym couldn't swim, but Andrews fell out of the wrong side of the boat. In fact, the crew had to stop filming to rescue Kym. In the movie Heather Menzies (Louisa) pulls her out - Kym threw up on her after swallowing so much water.

More trivia for The Sound of Music

Question: Why were the Nazis so desperate to get Captain von Trapp into their navy? Austria hadn't had a navy since the end of the first world war, so his skills weren't exactly up to date.

Answer: True, but a decorated and highly respected command officer, particularly one with proven wartime experience, is still a major asset. While he might not be directly familiar with the current equipment, naval tactics wouldn't have altered to any great degree and his ability to lead and inspire those under his command would remain the same.


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