Somewhere In Time
Somewhere In Time mistake picture

Factual error: In scenes that take place in 1912 on the porch of the hotel you can sometimes see American flags in the background. The flags in the movie have 50 stars. The 50 star flag wasn't adopted until after 1959. (01:25:15)

Somewhere In Time mistake picture

Factual error: When Richard Collier encounters the young Arthur in 1912, Arthur is playing with an inflatable rubber ball. Balls of this style were not made until the 1960s.

Somewhere In Time mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Reeves signs the guest register at the hotel in 1912, his signature is different from the one that he saw in the register that he found in the attic.

Somewhere In Time mistake picture

Plot hole: Richard eventually manages to travel back in time by removing all the modern items from his room. But what about the spotlights above his bed? (00:31:40)

Somewhere In Time mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Richard first wakes up after travelling through time, he's supposed to be lying on a couch. Yet there is a wall behind him. It's blatantly obvious that it's the same shot from the modern bedroom, and all they did was change the lighting. (00:33:45)

Somewhere In Time mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Reeves signs the guest register at the hotel in 1912, his signature is different from the one that he saw in the register that he found in the attic.

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Richard Collier: Please, don't leave. You have no idea how far I've come to be with you.

More quotes from Somewhere In Time

Trivia: When Richard Collier leaves the men's room, bloodied from his first encounter with a straight razor, the bearded man who stares at him in the hall and declares, "Astonishing!" is screenwriter Richard Matheson in a cameo role. His screen credit at the end reads "Astonished Man." (01:01:55)

Jean G

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Question: Is there a scene where a young boy watching the filming is seen? I heard this years ago and the clip was shown.

Answer: There are several things like this throughout the movie. It's a rather busy location.

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