Question: When Judy starts her mission to find Mr. Otterton and finds Nick with his partner, Finnick, she manages to hustle the fox, get him to confess his crimes on a voice recorder, and forces him to assist her on her mission before she decides to arrest him. Finnick laughs at Nick's humiliation and walks away. Why does Judy let Finnick off the hook despite the fact he was involved in Nick's scams?
Question: When Nick first appears on the screen, he walks in front of a big truck driven by a ram. Is the ram driving the truck Doug (Bellwether's sniper who composes the serum)? Also, when Judy and Nick confront Bellwether at the museum, is Doug the ram who blocks the doorway (dressed as a cop) Judy and Nick try to escape through or a different ram?
Chosen answer: It is possible as this ram does sound very similar to Doug, but there are also many similar character models in the film that look the same but have very minor visual differences, the only true way to know would be if one of the creators reveled the identity of the ram.
Question: I have two questions about Duke Weaselton. 1) Is he the same weasel who was a childhood friend of Gideon Gray's? 2) Despite Judy capturing him early on, how did he get out of prison? If he was released from prison then why?
Chosen answer: 1. No, it's not, that is Travis. The weasel who was a childhood friend of Gideon has brown fur, but when officer Hopps chases the Duke, the Duke's fur colour is brownish orange. 2. The Duke has gone through the period of his prison time, so he did get out - maybe the Zootopia laws are different than ours.
Question: Why does Mr. Big's daughter have whites in her eyes when everyone else in her species seems to have little beady black eyes?
Answer: It's just to show how different and special she is from all of the others.
Question: With the help of Assistant Mayor Bellwether, Judy and Nick look at the traffic cam where two timberwolves took Manchas away with them. How did the wolves know Manchas went savage and where to find him?
Answer: The wolves were spread out and checking the areas for any animals who gone savage until they end up finding one.
Answer: They most likely were checking the video cameras for when an animal turns savage.
Question: If Bellwether's plan was to make predators go savage, why did she use the serum on Mr. Otterton instead of using it on Manchas who was a predator?
Answer: Otters are carnivorous and are therefore predators. They mostly prey on fish but also eat other aquatic animals such as frogs, crayfish, and crabs.
Question: Nick claims he knows every animal in Zootopia, including Duke Weaselton. How did Nick get to know the weasel and how did he figure that Duke was involved in the crime of turning predators feral?
Chosen answer: Because in fact, Nick knows every animal in Zootopia, including the Duke Weaselton. Judy figured out the Duke was involved because of the robbery he committed earlier and Nick knew where he peddled bootleg movies, which led to him being interrogated at Mr. Big's house. Duke says that he stole and delivered light bulbs for Nighthowlers plant to naughty sheep (sheep that make Nighthowlers plant serum and shoot the serum to predator to make the predator going savage).
Question: When Judy cooks carrots in the microwave, she stands too close to the microwave while it's active. Isn't it hazardous to stand too close to a microwave while it's cooking?
Answer: No, that's a complete myth. Paraphrased from "Every microwave must limit the amount of radiation it can leak to five milliwatts per square centimeter at roughly two inches away from the oven. That is far below the levels of radiation that have been shown to harm humans. (By comparison, the most common cellphones operate at a peak power of about 1.6 watts or less, and most studies have found no evidence linking the phones to health problems.) Manufacturers of microwave ovens are also required to line the doors of the machines with metal mesh that prevents microwaves from escaping, and to use a type of door latch that stops the production of microwaves whenever the latch is released. Those features greatly limit exposure to levels of radiation that are already low. And since the radiation levels drop sharply with increasing distance, the levels two feet away are about one-hundredth the amount at two inches."
Question: If predator and prey live in harmony, why do they still make fox repellent?
Answer: Same reason we humans have pepper spray. I think there's some sort of repellent for each animal just for safety reasons.
Question: At the end of the movie, Deputy Mayor Bellwether is convicted because her confession was secretly recorded on Judy Hopps' recorder pen. Since such a confession was surreptitiously obtained, that would make it inadmissible in court as evidence, correct? And in the absence of corroborating evidence (which was all destroyed when the subway car blew up), wouldn't the deputy mayor's conviction be thrown out?
Answer: One possibility: Zootopia's laws are different than ours. Another possibility: The police were able to get a written and signed confession from the deputy mayor that was admissible in court. Yet another possibility: Her lawyer agrees with you and was able to get her released after the closing credits. Another possibility is that there was enough evidence. There's Nick's and Judy's testimony, Nick had the Night Howler pellet still, and Duke Weaselton and Doug or the other rams could have testified to benefit themselves. Plus there's the phone call Bellweather made claiming Judy was attacked and a lot of the back-and-forth between she and Nick/Judy happened right before we see the police arrive so they might've heard something.
Question: Do the predators eat meat? And if they don't eat meat then what do they eat in place of meat?
Answer: Notice there are no fish, amphibians, reptiles, or birds among the species seen in the film. Disney says that predators eat those but avoid eating other mammals.
Chosen answer: Finnick didn't say anything that could be used against him and she had no proof that he was delinquent on his taxes, as he said, "She hustled you good!"
Finnick was involved in all of Nick's scams so shouldn't he have been charged as an accessory and therefore also forced to help Judy?
Nick's crime was not paying taxes. Judy had no evidence that Finnick was guilty in any tax evasion or that he even participated in earlier scams.