Trivia: In Michele's dream, when it is at the awards part, and Michele and Romy are going up to the state to get their medals, watch for when there is a long shot of the scene. Just above the awards stage, there are a carrot and banana, made out of balloons and obviously intended to be part of the decorations; exact replicas of the magnets Kristy stuck on Michele's back earlier. Maybe it's supposed to be a metaphor for revisiting the past - something that you normally do at a reunion.

Trivia: There are nods to the fictional brands Red Apple cigarettes and Big Kahuna burger used in Quentin Tarantino's films, because he was dating Mira Sorvino at the time.
Trivia: The entire "special glue" formula was improvised by Lisa Kudrow.
Answer: She ate it because she's a bitch and wanted to hurt Romy. She didn't take it to eat for food.