Thor: This will send you back to hell you ugly troll.
Doctor David Banner: The wrath of God in a bottle.
Donald Blake: Look, David, I don't want to know why you're not using your real name or why you want people to think you're dead, and I don't care. Well, that's not true really. I'm curious as hell, but I'm not going to ask or try to find out. That's your business and it's going to stay that way.
Donald Blake: He wants me to be more heroic, me.
Doctor David Banner: What happened last night wasn't Thor's fault, it was yours and yours alone.
Donald Blake: David, you're not being fair to me.
Doctor David Banner: For two years now, two years this change of mine hasn't occurred, and do you know why? Because I've stayed away from people like you. People who start trouble and then run away. Well, you're not running away this time, Don, this time you're going to help wipe up the milk that you spilled! Do you understand?
Donald Blake: You are David Banner, aren't you? If you're not, I'll just apologize profusely and get out of here. I just couldn't let you zap yourself with that thing until I was sure.
Doctor David Banner: Who are you?
Donald Blake: You had a beard the last time I knew you. Harvard, ten years ago? You were the guest genius at the time, the resident Merlin and me, I was... I was in trouble a lot.
Doctor David Banner: Blake? Donald Blake?
Donald Blake: The one and only.
Thor: Is there any drink in this alchemist's den?
Donald Blake: I guess we could all learn something from the big goof.
Doctor David Banner: You sound like a man who's made peace with himself and his new partner.
Donald Blake: Yeah. Thor and I are a part of each other.
Sgt. Lindsey: Dr. Shaw is head of Biogenetics at the Joshua Lambert Institute.
Jack McGee: Isn't that where witnesses reported seeing a green monster of some kind?
Sgt. Lindsey: Those witnesses observed something at an extreme distance. It cannot be considered reliable.
Donald Blake: Listen, David, I know you didn't tell her, but... I think she knows, and understands.
Donald Blake: Then you'll step back in front of the death ray.
Doctor David Banner: Life ray for me.