Any Old Port!

Continuity mistake: When Oliver bites Mugsy's hand whilst trying to retrieve the key, the key falls onto a plate and you can see there is a cup and saucer by the plate. In the next shot, the cup and saucer have disappeared.

Continuity mistake: When Stan pulls the tablecloth off the table whilst Oliver is trying to retrieve the key from Mugsy, at the far end of the table you can see a cup fall off the saucer. In the next shot, the cup is back on the saucer again.

Continuity mistake: When Oliver introduces Stan to Harry at the snack bar, you can see that Harry's right arm is by his side but in the next shot it is resting on the counter.

Continuity mistake: When Stan pulls the tablecloth off the table whilst Oliver is trying to retrieve the key from Mugsy, at the far end of the table you can see a cup fall off the saucer. In the next shot, the cup is back on the saucer again.

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