Hilary: Hey, dad, I have a personal errand to run and I need to borrow the car.
Jim: Well, you can't drive without me yet and somebody's got to stay here with your sisters.
Hilary: Dad, I have a personal errand.
Jim: What does that even mean? You taking a hit out on somebody?
Lou: Dad, she's monsterating.
Jim: What?
Hilary: I have my period.
Jim: Oh, I forgot you get those.
Jim: Did you have pork chops and... tuna fish... for lunch today?
Mfana: Yes! I did.
Lauren: Did you just use use the L word with Dick?
Jen: We said it last night.
Lauren: Jen! That's great Why didn't you tell me?
Jen: Well, you finally had a date and it was so awful. I didn't want to make you feel lonelier than you probably already feel.
Lauren: I'm fine actually and I'm not lonely. I have two wonderful men in my life: Brendan and Tyler.
Jen: Brendan needs a girlfriend and Tyler needs Ritalin.