Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Elf picture

Continuity mistake: When Buddy is lying in the roll-out bed in the living room of his father's house and asks to be tucked in, his father does so. His father comes back up and ends up having a red thread on his shirt. The shot switches to Buddy, then back to him and the thread is now on his right arm.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Star Wars picture

Other mistake: Before Uncle Owen yells for Luke, if you look very closely, a fly can be seen on the lens (best seen on the special edition release). The fly was removed in the 2019 release.

Best pictures

Other mistake: At the end of the song "Wait," when Sweeney and Lovett hear Anthony running up the stairs, Sweeney runs behind the door to his shop. For a quarter second, as Sweeney places his back against the wall, there is a modern-day water bottle on the window ledge. This, however, cannot be seen on the DVD or Xbox, though on laptops and probably computers also, when streaming you can see it around 00:43:10. (00:43:10)


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Best recent entries

The Great Escaper picture

Trivia: This is Michael Caine's final film. He decided to retire after making it, when he came to the realisation that, at age 90, he would only be landing roles of old men.


Best trivia

Joker picture Joker trivia picture

Trivia: The font used for Live With Murray Franklin is identical to the Batman animated series titles. The name of the font is "Plaza," for those that might be curious.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Solo: A Star Wars Story picture

Other mistake: Towards the end, Chewbacca and Beckett have walked some distance from the landed yacht. They come up a small slope and are faced with Han, waiting for them. But an aerial shot shows that slope is very short and just runs down to a cliff. There's no way they could have got to the base of the slope to walk up it in the first place.

Best quotes

Lilo & Stitch picture

Lilo: It's sandwich day. Every Thursday I give Pudge the Fish a peanut butter sandwich. But, today we were out of peanut butter. I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich. I can't give Pudge tuna! Do you know what tuna is? IT'S FISH! If I gave Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter cause all we have is...is. Stinking tuna...Pudge controls the weather.

Movie quote quiz

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"I rode the bench for two years. Thought I wasn't being played because of my color, I got filled up with a lotta attitude. So I quit. Still not a week goes by I don't regret it. And I guarantee a week won't go by in your life you won't regret walking out, letting them get the best of ya. You hear me clear enough?"
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Biggest Pixar mistakes

Toy Story 2 picture Toy Story 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie when the 'false' Buzz Light Year is running along the air conditioning ducts his 'New Utility Belt' disappears then reappears again. (01:01:55)

Best questions

Panic Room picture

Question: I don't really understand why Jodie Foster's character didn't tell the police something was wrong when they came to the door. I know she was worried for her daughter but the robbers couldn't overhear and she could have asked the police to come back later, giving her a chance to smash the cameras. Also, considering that she emphatically denied there was anything wrong, why did the police return later with all the guns etc?

Answer: But if Jodie Foster was so keen to placate the burglars and protect her daughter's life then why did she smash the cameras after the police left? It doesn't make sense.

She smashed the cameras, so the thieves in the Panic Room couldn't see what she was doing. That's why the thieves had said, "Why didn't we do that?"

Answer: The cop told Jodie "if you can give me some kind of signal." Jodie runs her fingers through her hair, that's the signal.

Answer: One doesn't ask the cops to come back later, especially when one's daughter's life is a stake. Also, the cops came back because they just didn't believe her and felt that something was up (call it intuition).

Not only that, Jodie Foster said that "they were good", why would she say that they are good if not that they were right?

Biggest Disney mistakes

Bambi picture

Other mistake: After the great fire scene there is a raccoon that drags her baby to shore and begins cleaning it. A few seconds later the baby has jumped across to the other side of his father and siblings, but the mother does not stop licking. This error has since been fixed in newer releases.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Thor: The Dark World picture

Factual error: In the final fight scene with Malekith, Thor falls through a portal that brings him to Charing Cross station, where the lady on the train tells him he has to ride 3 stops to get to Greenwich. Charing Cross is not on the Jubilee Line and so not directly connected to Greenwich - even then it's a lot more than 3 stops. (01:33:45)

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