Best TV factual errors of 2019

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A Confession picture

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Factual error: Almost none of the senior police officers wear the correct medal ribbons. Brian Moore and Pat Geenty wear the Order of the British Empire, which neither had. Geenty wears the General Service Medal, for military service in Northern Ireland, although he was never in the armed forces. Moore does not wear the Queen's Police Medal, which he was awarded in 2009. Both wear the Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2011, although it was not awarded until 2012. Andy Parker wears an unidentified ribbon (possibly intended to be the Queen's Police Medal, which he was awarded in 2010, but looking nothing like it) and the Golden Jubilee Medal, but does not wear the Diamond Jubilee Medal or the Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to which he was also entitled. Mike Veale and Ray Hayward wear no medal ribbons at all, although both would be entitled to the Golden Jubilee Medal and Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (and Veale also to the Diamond Jubilee Medal after 2012).


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More The Morning Show factual errors
The Code picture

Done and Doff - S1-E12

Factual error: The sleeves on Col. Turnbull's uniform shirt are a ridiculous length. Her sleeves are three-quarter length and down to her elbows while the other female Marines have uniform shirts with half sleeves.


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NOS4A2 picture

The Dark Tunnels - S1-E6

Factual error: When they go to 1954, the hamburger drive in says it has frappes. Not invented till '57, and not in the US public eye until at least 45 years later.

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Suggested correction: What you're describing is a Greek café frappé made with instant coffee. In New England "Frappe" is what many would consider a milkshake with ice cream in it, and has been around since at least the 50's (Vic's dad even mentions getting frappes in episode 4).


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Doom Patrol picture

Puppet Patrol - S1-E3

Factual error: When Jane is putting up the lost poster, the number to call is 1-800-saw-him. However, this is only a 6-digit phone number when it needs to be 7-digits (not including the 1-800 part).


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