Best TV mistake pictures of 2011

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The Last Of The Starks - S8-E4

Other mistake: During the scene in the banquet hall, as Tormund says "most people get bloody murdered, they stay that way", look at Daenerys in the background - a disposable coffee cup is on the table in front of her. This brown cup with a white plastic lid is nothing remotely like the style of cups they're all drinking from in the scene. HBO acknowledged the slip up and digitally edited it out on streaming services, reruns and future DVD releases.


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Snow Falls - S1-E3

Visible crew/equipment: When the horse carriage is ambushed, just as Princess Abigail can be heard screaming "Please, help me", the camera pans downward and a horse wrangler wearing a blue baseball cap can be seen in the lower left hand corner, hiding behind one of the horses. (00:03:20)


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Dawn of the Peck - S5-E4

Other mistake: After the turkeys start attacking in "The Running of the Turkeys", Mr. Fishoder and his brother start running. In that clip a Turkey pops out the side of a guy's head. Look in the mid lower right side. Looks like a design error. Pretty big error, no slow down needed to see it. (00:05:20)

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More Person of Interest mistake pictures

Episode #1.4 - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Megan grabs DI Richard Poole's hand sobbing "I'm scared." We're talking about her left hand, because in the right hand she's holding the handkerchief he gave her. When DS Camille Bordey butts in, she is clinging to his hand with her right, and holds the hankie in her left. It keeps happening even during the conversation. (00:03:55)


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More Wild Kratts mistake pictures
More Homeland mistake pictures

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Early in the show, Poppy Montgomery's character gets into bed with no bra. Yet in her flashback of that night, after rushing from her bed in the middle of the night to the murder victim, a black bra strap is visible. (00:03:15 - 00:04:20)


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Dave of the Dead - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Dave enters the room with champagne glasses to celebrate his terrible idea, in a brief shot as he enters he's holding the glasses upside down. We cut to the other angle when he asks Alex to help him, and they're now held the right way up. As she takes them off him the angle switches again, and they're back to being upside down. (00:12:00)

Jon Sandys

More Happy Endings mistake pictures

Used Karma - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: At the end of the show as Bertram scares the kids, he sits down to watch his movie. In the first shot you can see that Mr Kipling is not present, but in the next shot he is.

More Jessie mistake pictures

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