Best movie mistake pictures of 2011

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Visible crew/equipment: When Mia and Brian are about to jump off the roof, when a gunman takes aim there's a cameraman to the bottom right below him. (00:32:35)

More Fast Five mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ethan wakes up in the hospital he realises he's handcuffed to the bed. In the closeup of his right hand, the handcuff is around his wrist with its single metal bar facing out and the double bar facing Ethan, but when the nurse moves his gurney the handcuff is around his right wrist the opposite way, with the double bars facing out. Quite impossible for this to occur. (00:31:50)

Super Grover

More Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene on the Golden Gate Bridge when the apes are pushing the bus, the police shoot the bus numerous times, but when the camera goes off the bus and then shows the bus again (twice) the bullet holes are not there anymore.


More Rise of the Planet of the Apes mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the epilogue, Hermione hugs her daughter Rose. In the first shot, Rose's left hand rests on her mother's back just below the shoulder. Cut to the following shot and the same hand is on Hermione's arm instead. (01:56:00)


More Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the start, just as Moreau rides up the stone road leading to the monastery up ahead, before he passes the two guards we can see that it's a flipped shot - note the backwards license plate number.

Super Grover

More Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Carly's shoes appear to mysteriously alternate several times between black stiletto heels and black ballet flats in-between shots during the climactic action sequence. This is most noticeable during the collapsing building sequence as well as the scene in which Carly speaks to Megatron.

More Transformers: Dark of the Moon mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Renesmee's birth, there are two smudges of blood on Edward's right cheek. While Edward works to transform Bella, the blood spots appear and disappear between shots.

More The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: While Pooh and his hungry tummy are searching for honey Pooh finds himself at Owl's house, and in the first wideshot we can see the wood sign that reads "Dont nock plez ring" with nothing above it, but once Pooh reads the sign suddenly Eeyore's tail is hanging above the sign as a bell-pull. (00:48:25)

Super Grover

More Winnie The Pooh mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the young mutants are showing each other what they can do, they all have a glass of cola, all four sitting on a corner of the table. But when Banshee wants to show what he can do, the glasses are instantly lined up. (00:51:00)


More X-Men: First Class mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Destroyer arrives amidst the Shield agents, a coffee cup sitting on the dash of one of the vehicles spills over. The next shot it can be seen lying on its side. The reverse angle shot then shows it upright again. (01:21:20)


More Thor mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Conan first fights Remo, Conan places a blood stain on his forehead by pressing his sword to it. Remo then runs off, and Conan gives chase immediately, pausing only to get Tamara on his horse. The stain is still there when Conan mounts his horse. The next time we see them, Conan and Tamara is still chasing Remo, but now Conan's face is completely clean. It is highly unlikely he would pause in pursuit of one of his father's killers to wash his face. (00:47:55)


More Conan the Barbarian mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Annie and Helen are taking turns toasting Lillian, Annie goes up for a second time. In the close shot, she is holding the microphone in her left hand and a champagne flute in her right. The camera goes to audience, and when it is back to her, the flute and the mic have switched hands. In the next wide shot, the are back to their original position. (00:26:40)

More Bridesmaids mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Mick and Maggie are talking in the kitchen after spending the night together, Mick pours himself a glass of orange juice and sets the carton down on the counter. The carton is initially in front of the glass, but then moves to sitting next to it. (00:43:55)

Cubs Fan

More The Lincoln Lawyer mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rosie hands Benjamin the listing for the Rosemoor property, the house in the listing's photo is not the house on the property, it's entirely different.

Super Grover

More We Bought a Zoo mistake pictures
More Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: *SPOILER* When Stephen finds Molly dead, her position on the floor and the scarf on the bed change positions between shots.


More The Ides of March mistake pictures
More Friends with Benefits mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The protagonist's music video dream gets interrupted by Victor strumming his guitar and asking for waffles. In the overhead shots, the necklace is quite prominently embedded into the cleavage of Lucy Hale. They alternate with a sideview where the string is spread across her chest. (00:01:25)


More A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song mistake pictures
More Just Go with It mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Grace gets the plate with the breakfast order, consisting of two eggs, two bunches of fries, 2 slices of bacon and 3 sausages. She rearranges them to serve them in a funny face pattern, supposedly, but one piece of sausage is missing, the fries are soaked in oil and eggs and bacon appear less cooked than before. (00:02:00)


More Monte Carlo mistake pictures

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