Best TV mistake pictures of 1993

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Miracle Man - S1-E18

Continuity mistake: In the establishing shot of the courthouse the subtitle reads "Kenwood County Courthouse" but you can read on the building that it is the "DeKalb County Courthouse". (00:15:15)

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Dramatis Personae - S1-E18

Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode, Odo has sent everyone affected by the telepathic matrix to a cargo bay. Sisko and O'Brien remove their com badges, throwing them aside before heading to the bay. After everyone is cured, Sisko straightens back up and, in the closeup, you can see that he has a badge on. In the next closeup, it's gone again.

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Day of the Dumpster - S1-E1

Other mistake: After the teens leave the command center, Rita sees this and orders the creation of her Putties. Her henchman slaps down a few things of clay into a mold loosely, that then show the perfect figurines of the putties coming out of them. However with the shape of the mold, there is no way that the clay would come out in shapes like that or with that detail. (00:11:35)

Quantom X

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Suggested correction: Given that these are literal monsters and a witch living on the moon after being imprisoned for 10,000 years, I don't think we can say for certain what their machinery will do.


This is speculating too much. Practically making the same argument that it's OK because magic. The general physics of what is being displayed on the screen doesn't match up with how the clay fits into the mold even in the slightest.

Quantom X

What Quantom is saying is that they are using a press die to create the mold for the putties and no matter how you look at it, the volume of clay going into the mold is not enough to create the detail seen on the putties.


It's not just that, but the shapes don't match up at all. He does the equivalent of putting clay into a round hole and getting a square out of it.

Quantom X

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Epidemic - S1-E2

Visible crew/equipment: While Dr. Mike is unsuccessfully trying to make supper Olive returns with the children, and after Olive says goodbye to them, when Dr. Mike closes the door a white T-mark is visible on the porch. (00:08:55)

Super Grover

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Wall of Sound - S2-E2

Revealing mistake: When Lois and Clark are checking out Lenny Stoke and Derek Camden on Lois' computer, you can see the computer screen showing the script for Lois in that scene. (00:07:40 - 00:08:20)

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