Revealing mistake: When Sonny is punching Carlo under the spraying fire hydrant, he misses an audible punch by at least six inches. (01:43:30)

Revealing mistake: At her wake, Rose blinks when Paul leans in to clean her face.

Revealing mistake: Although the film is set during the aftermath of the Mexican War (1848-50), the mountain vistas display some lovely radio towers and fire ranger stations.

Revealing mistake: In a scene where the canoes are shooting the rapids through a sheer cliff you can clearly see a stuntman climbing out of the water onto the rock.

Revealing mistake: In the early part of the chase scene, when the person hanging the banner swings into the pane of glass, you can actually see it start to shatter before he touches it.

Revealing mistake: When Stan is in the safari park driving the bus with the monkey on the steering wheel the scene outside the bus is obviously background projection and at times it runs backwards giving the impression that the bus is in reverse when all the time it is going forwards.

Revealing mistake: When McDonald is in the tunnels and is called to pick up the phone, he picks up a red phone. It is a standard Bell TouchTone desk phone. To make the phone look more futuristic, there was no cord and it was disguised as a cordless phone. The port that the cord would plug into is covered by a piece of colored tape. This also can be seen in the operations center of Ape Control when the worker picks up the phone.

Revealing mistake: When the ship is upside-down and they're trying to get Susan down from the table, you can see that the table really isn't attached to the ceiling. You can see the center pool split into legs that are supposed to be connected to the floor, but when Susan moves around and shakes the table, the legs shake and you can see space between them and the floor. Even if the other legs outside of the shot were connected, the table would be leaning under Susan's weight.

Revealing mistake: When Weasel says, "How's your back, baby?" to Phyllis, she spits in his face, but Weasel closes his eyes before she spits.

Revealing mistake: When Bernard Bresslaw punches the guard who is grabbing hold of his girlfriend during the fight at the market, you can see that his fist never makes any contact with the guard's face.

Revealing mistake: When Hattie Jacques and Barbara Windsor see Madeline Smith about her baby, you can see that the 'baby' is an obvious doll.

Revealing mistake: After Alice falls down the hole, into the leaves, she gets up and runs down a stone to follow the White Rabbit. As she runs down the stone, it quite visibly squashes down under he feet, revealing that it is foam.

Revealing mistake: When Clint Eastwood is shooting his 1896 Mauser Machine pistol, with the long barrel, even though he fires numerous shots the hammer remains fully cocked and does not move.

Revealing mistake: Freeman Lowell has several cargo containers dumped off the spaceship, to make it appear the ship has suffered an accident. A wide shot shows the ship receding in the distance, with the containers rolling weightlessly in the foreground. As the foreground containers pass slightly in front of the more distant ones, they don't mask them; their images overlap. The containers were apparently composited into the shot with simple multiple exposures. (00:35:40)

Revealing mistake: When the cafe owner takes Mike's chef hat away from him to continue frying the food on the hot plate, he stands on Mike's hand and breaks an egg. You can see that the egg is a fake one as no yolk is visible.

Revealing mistake: During the iconic dojo brawl scene, Bruce Lee at one point picks up two men and whirls them around. It's obvious in the wide shot that they are just dummies.

Revealing mistake: When Itto is bathing, near the beginning of the film, he hears the clanking sound and then there is a close-up shot of his face. The start of his wig, the hairline, is visible. (00:08:48)

Revealing mistake: Just before Louise shoots him, Andrew turns to face the camera, and the blood packs under his shirt are very visibly outlined.

Revealing mistake: When O-Yuki is having a flashback to the duel she had with her trainer, at one point he "magically" sets his sword on fire. However, if you watch the scene carefully you can see a cord that runs from the sword into his robes, probably some kind of fuel line. You can see it twice: once in a wide shot showing the trainer and O-Yuki when he laughs and slowly raises the sword and a second time when he blocks O-Yuki's attack and punches her in the stomach. (00:45:58)

Revealing mistake: When Shaft fights the bad guys disguised as flower delivery men, both die with their blood packs that explode triggered by visible pyrotechnics - kinda odd to shoot a guy and see literally flames burst out from his chest or back before any blood comes out. (00:48:50)