UAC Spokesman: Here at the UAC, we take pride in nurturing a growing work force. And each year we harvest only the best of the best. Are you ready to move up? To take on new challenges? To become more than you ever dreamed you could be? Talk to your supervisor to see if you meet the requirements for this year's Soul Harvest.
Samuel Hayden: I'm willing to take full responsibility for the horrible events of the last 24 hours but you must understand: our interest in their world was purely for the betterment of mankind. [Doom Slayer looks down at a dead body] Everything has gotten out of hand now, yes, but it was worth the risk. [Doom Slayer cracks his knuckles] I assure you. [Doom Slayer smashes the control panel, Doom title screen appears].
Vega: Hello, I am Vega, the sentient intelligence assigned to Mars. After running diagnostics on the Praetor suit, it appears that I can activate optional challenges that, when completed, will assist in upgrading your arsenal at an accelerated pace. I have added a tracking component to your Dossier.
Samuel Hayden: I feel I should apologize for what's happened here... some of my employees took things too far. Olivia was the cause of all this and I believe... you... will have to deal with her in time. You may not agree with our research... but know this. We exploited Hell and its resources because it was in mankind's best interest to do so. What you now see in this facility is the cost of progress. Hmm... but none of that matters now.
UAC Spokesperson: God rested on the seventh day. But imagine how much further along we would be if he hadn't. The UAC is committed to excellence, that's why we implemented the seven day work week. Now you can achieve greatness alongside your coworkers everyday. Let's never stop achieving.
Vega: 61,337 UAC members deceased, 81% of the facility is on lockdown, demonic presence through the Mars installation is critical. According to the records, Dr. Hayden, the invasion originated in the Lazarus Facility. It seems that a Hellwave was activated transforming 64% of all UAC employees into the creatures you see roaming through the facility. The rest were killed by the demons released from cells by Olivia Pierce.
Olivia Pierce: I believe in honesty, especially now, in what will be your final moments in this world. All the rumors, the human sacrifices, the Hell portal, the demons... it's all true. My sisters and brothers be thankful! You will be the first, you will have a seat along side them just as I will in the new world that they create for us... starting... now...!
Answer: Another thing I've noticed is that if you add up all the individual numbers in 61,337 and then reverse the two letters you get 20 and 16. Both together is 2016, the year the film was released. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.