Blair Warner: I don't go to wing-dings, I go to cotillions.
Jo Polniaczek: Well if that is a dance at the Hillcrest Country Club, then your cotillion and my wing-ding are the same thing.
Jo Polniaczek: There are people who in this world get shoved around and there are people who do the shoving.
Blair Warner: I just had another one of my brilliant ideas.
Blair Warner: Do you know what Jo's real name is? Joanna Marie.
Jo Polniaczek: Only my mother calls me Joanna Marie.
Blair Warner: Turn Blue.
Tootie Ramsey: There's going to be trouble.
Answer: The guards had no idea if Tootie was a deranged fan or if she had a bomb in her package. This wasn't very long after John Lennon was shot, after all.
Brian Katcher