Plot hole: In the bait and switch section, why does anyone involved agree to Leland being Ben's attorney when both victims are relatives of Leland? Neither Ben nor any of the police are in on Cooper's plan, and it seems implausible at best that they would agree to this.
Plot hole: Harry states that Ben was not arrested until after midnight. However in episode 2.7, the arrest takes place earlier in the evening, shown in establishing shots and the other events which occur afterwards.
Plot hole: In the season 1 finale, after they have brought James into the the station Cooper hands Truman a note and asked if he would investigate this. A few minutes later Truman comes back in with the coke that Bobby planted in James' gas tank. Cooper then asks James why he had coke in his gas tank. Cooper shouldn't know where the coke was found, Bobby never mentioned to Lucy where he put it and Truman never told Cooper where he found it.
Plot hole: More than 24 hours after Ben is arrested his daughter Audrey comes and asks Cooper if her father was arrested. How has she not noticed that he is absent and in jail?
Answer: The answer to pretty much any question beginning with "Has David Lynch ever explained _______?" is: no.