Plot hole: The (real) villain of the episode needs for their own agenda to retrieve the knife Kate brought to the Crows' headquarter in hopes to have it analyzed, and they assault Kate and Sophie while they are in the garage discussing the matter. Even assuming that the villains knew the two women were in that particular location having infiltrated security at the Crows (at the end of the episode Christine speaks of 'whatever surveillance was in the garage', not exactly sounding like she knows any detail), they had no way to know they would be there at all. They were in the garage just because Kate asked Sophie for 'somewhere private'. If their goal was to prevent Kate from having the knife tested, they needed to stop her before she got to the Crows at all. (00:12:20)
Plot hole: Batwoman sees live on TV the explosion that sends the truck into the river, while she is in the clinic of her stepsister on top of a building. She needs to go get her bike and drive to site. Fox says that she is "5 minutes out" when the truck is shown going completely underwater, with Alice inside who has been unconscious all the time. Even assuming that she makes it in less time than that, she still has to leave her bike somewhere and access the river from a somewhat secluded spot and swim to the spot, because the bridge is crawling with cops. There is no way that Batwoman would be able to save her and Alice would be totally fine, needing simply an aqualung to get back to her senses (and somehow survive an explosion that nearly kills Batwoman with her padded 10 million dollars suit).