Question: What is the point of any supporting character, such as Sissy or Jim, learning anything about Lyoko or Xana if the 'return to the past' function erases their memories about it later?
Question: Does Xana ever talk? He seems to be completely silent on the show.
Question: How come Fran's hopper took Aelieta's memory away?
Question: Why does Xana hate humans so much?
Answer: It's not a matter of hate but of achieving superiority and domination. X.A.N.A.'s objective is to conquer the real-world, control all computers, and enslave every human being.
raywest ★
Xana's objective is also to destroy Lyoko. I don't know why he would want that since without Lyoko he can't activate any more towers, and activating towers is how he launches attacks.