Siege Protocol: Part 2 - S3-E12
Stupidity: This team never packs enough ammo. The two little skirmishes they were in maybe consumed 120 rounds each x8 guys makes 1060 and that's pushing it. A soldier's combat load is 7 magazines, 210 rounds each for their primary weapon system. These dudes should have at least 3 mags each left, and Seals being Seals fighting far from the main force always pack more ammo, at least 390 rounds. There's a Seal training video where Seals are doing a centre peel drill and it says they pack 4000 rounds for 8 men. (00:49:15)
Answer: Yes. They would have to land 3-4 times for refuelling. The plane could fly with the wheels down, but the additional drag slows the plane and increases fuel consumption.