Brooklyn Nine-Nine

DFW - S5-E17

Character mistake: When Gina tries to set up Rosa on a date, Rosa mentions the last person Gina set her up with (Justin) was a dork who rode a Yamaha motorcycle. She says "he might as well have picked me up in a station wagon." Rosa's bike is a Yamaha R1.

The Venue - S5-E6

Revealing mistake: When Charles shows the picture of the horse and says "look what you get when you search for 'Charles Boyle medal of valor'" he's typed "peanut butter the horse" into his phone.


Bureau - S3-E22

Continuity mistake: In season 2 episode 11, Jake is shown doing at least 3 pull ups but in this episode he shows he doesn't know how to do one and Terry has to show him.

Boyle's Hunch - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: Just before the end credits, Boyle is walking to his desk and he places his jacket over his chair with his bag on top of the coat. The shot changes to Peralta speaking but then the shot goes back onto Boyle and the jacket has disappeared. (00:20:20)


Yippie Kayak - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: Because the show is filmed in L.A, the lack of snow in December is very noticeable. When the characters are outside there isn't any snow whatsoever, but when Jake, Gina, and Charles are inside the store, the audience can see the heavy snow and blizzard outside from a large window behind them. (00:07:55)

Hani Hariprabowo

Pontiac Bandit - S1-E12

Factual error: When Jake is given a burner phone by Doug Judy, he receives a text message from the 'Pontiac Bandit'. The phone is an old cellphone from the late 90s, but the text message makes an iPhone sound/tone from the late 2000s. He receives another text message again later with the same tone. (00:09:55 - 00:12:50)

Hani Hariprabowo

Casecation - S6-E12

Factual error: Amy is wearing a NYPD detectives badge even though she is a Sergeant at this point in the show. (00:01:00 - 00:21:20)

Your Honor - S4-E18

Continuity mistake: In the cold open, when Jake throws the door handle at the interrogation room mirror trying to break it, the handle bounces off the glass to his right, but when the shot cuts to in front of him to show his reaction, the handle flies off to his left. (00:01:00)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine mistake picture

The Chopper - S2-E22

Revealing mistake: When Terry answers the phone to his wife after he changes his relationship status to "it's complicated", he answers the phone but the phone is still on the answer the call menu.

Payback - S2-E13

Revealing mistake: At the start, Terry takes Jake's phone off him while he's in the middle of writing a text. We see the screen and it's on the regular homescreen. Jake then takes it back and immediately carries on typing, not opening up the messaging app first.

Jon Sandys

Casecation - S6-E12

Continuity mistake: Jake mentions that he's never wanted kids, however he has mentioned loads of times in previous seasons/episodes about wanting to become a Dad.

Yippie Kayak - S3-E10

Revealing mistake: At the end, Gina makes her flame-thrower with cologne and lighter. However, she never lights the lighter and the flames still appear, as if they were just added in digitally.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine mistake picture

Christmas - S1-E11

Visible crew/equipment: When Amy calls the squad in to talk about a Christmas card for Holt, there's tape on the floor by Gina and Terry's feet, showing where they are supposed to stand. (00:05:00)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine mistake picture

Gray Star Mutual - S5-E18

Continuity mistake: When Adrian stamps "denied" onto Boyle's insurance claim form, there's blank spots where there wasn't enough ink on the stamp (which would happen because he had the stamp in his pocket for a while). But then when he says "denied" and holds up the form, "denied" is all filled in fully. Also, the red border is lighter and the location has shifted down.


Bad Beat - S5-E5

Jake: Captain, allow me to introduce you to major East Coast arms dealer Dan "Daniel" Valdano. That's right, his nickname is longer than his actual name. Why's that, Terry?
Terry: 'Cause he's a dick.

Jon Sandys

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More trivia for Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Payback - S2-E13

Question: While trying to keep Terry busy at the gym, Jake is on the treadmill and believes he has burned 200 calories, until Terry corrects him and tells him 200 is his heart rate. I know it's a joke, but in reality, could a person even talk with a heart rate of 200 bpm? (00:16:20)

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