Jacob La Cour

31st Dec 2008

Armageddon (1998)

Corrected entry: When they finish drilling the hole, they pull the pipes up and throw them in a pile. They fall to the 'ground' quickly. The asteroid would have virtually no gravity.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: It is explained before the mission that because of the asteroid's mass and it's rotation there will be unpredictable gravity.

31st Dec 2008

Armageddon (1998)

Corrected entry: The shuttles sling-shot around the moon to gain speed. This is a manoeuvre undertaken to save fuel. Nevertheless, we see the shuttles using full after burners on the ride around the moon.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They don't have time to waste simply allowing gravity to accelerate them, so they combine a gravitational slingshot course with the full acceleration from the engines. Allows them to get up to the required speed faster and using less fuel than using the engines alone, but, given the time pressures that they face, they can't afford to shut the engines down and coast on gravitational acceleration alone.


31st Dec 2008

Armageddon (1998)

Corrected entry: When we see that AJ and the Russian have survived, we see a sweep through the wreckage of the shuttle. Pieces of wreckage are burning with little, earthly like flames, which are not possible without oxygen.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: This is already listed as a mistake. Its the highest ranked one.


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