
Corrected entry: The description of the ritual as voodoo (by past submitters) as well as the use of a voodoo doll during the ritual (at the point where Indy drinks the blood) is totally incorrect. By this point, it is established that the Thuggee cult is a sub-sect of Hinduism. Besides, the Voodoo religion is indigenous to West Africa, with a small diaspora in the southern U.S., the Caribbean, and the U.K. Unlikely it could make its way to the north India of 1935.

Correction: This is a possible mistake made by submitters to this site, not within the movie, as such, it can not be classified as a movie mistake. Additionally, Nobody in the film mentions using the doll as voodoo. Fetish puppets such as this has appeared in multiple animistic religions throughout history, who's to say this particular Thuggee cult did not find a way to use them? Particularly since most of their rituals and magic are made up for the film, and as such, artistic license is permitted.


Corrected entry: Indiana explains to Willie that Shorty is his adopted son, orphaned by the Japanese bombing of Shanghai in 1932. "The Temple of Doom" takes place in 1935, three years afterwards, yet in Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Last Crusade, both of which take place after Temple of Doom, Shorty makes no appearance whatsoever. It makes sense that maybe Indy decided to call a sitter for his latter two adventures, he doesn't even agnowledge his existence once in that entire time.

Correction: Character decision, not a mistake. For all we now, Shorty could be dead or reunited with his family in the years between Temple of Doom and Raiders of the Lost Ark. In either case, it would not be something Indy would want to talk about.


Correction: He definitely never says that Short Round is his adopted son, nor does he even imply it. He mentions the Shanghai bombing, says he caught Shorty trying to pickpocket him, and that is all the backstory we are ever given on Short Round.


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