
15th Jun 2011

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Ben gives Luke a helmet for his light sabre practice, Luke is struck by a laser bolt by the ball, to which Ben replies "Stretch out with your feelings". At this point you can see Harrison Ford turn away and start laughing before the scene ends.

Correction: At this point, Han has no belief in the Force, and Luke's exercises seem ridiculous to him. It's not out of character for him to have to turn away and laugh. Rude, but not out of character.


14th Jan 2007

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When C-3PO says he speaks a cousin language to "Bacche", the uncle says "close enough". There is an expression, "Close only counts in Bocce". Bocce is Italian lawn bowling where you try to get a ball as close as possible to another.

Correction: That's not at all how the conversation goes. Lars asks if 3PO speaks Bocce, to which 3PO replies "It's like a second language to me". Lars then asks him to shut up and turns to the Jawa to finish the deal. At no point does anyone use the words "close enough".


13th Apr 2005

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When the Millennium Falcon escapes from the Death Star, Darth Vader only let it go so it would give away the location of the Rebel base. So why would Ties attack it? They're taking pretty big chunks out of the ship (It seems doubtful that Grand Moff Tarkin would want to risk blowing up the Falcon, given the extremes he has already gone to to find the base), and even if they were already out there, wouldn't someone try to contact them to allow the ship to pass?

Correction: The Imperials had to stage a mock attack in order to make the escape look more real. It would rouse all kinds of suspicion if the Falcon had just taken off from the landing bay and flown away without a single shot fired to stop them. A narrow escape would seem a lot more like "the real deal". Granted, Leia sees through the ploy anyway, but it had to be done this way from the Imperials' point of wiew.


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