
24th Mar 2004

Spaceballs (1987)

Corrected entry: After Spaceball1 takes the air from Druidia, King Roland falls on his desk. Later, when the air is back, he is on a different part of the desk.

Correction: When he collapsed from lack of oxygen, Roland did not necessarily pass out completely. If he retained just a little bit of consciousness before blacking out, it is possible he could have moved.


23rd May 2005

Spaceballs (1987)

Corrected entry: When Lone Star and Barf are carrying Princess Vespa and Dot Matrix respectively in the desert, just after Lone Star and Vespa collapse in the sand, they fall with their faces looking at opposite sides. And seconds after, when the small guys come to help, Vespa's head is looking at the same direction than Lone Star. This couldn't be possible if she was unconscious.

Correction: We do not know how much time passes before the little "dinks" arrives at the scene. After Lone Star falls, the movie cuts and we are shown the little guys walking through the desert. It is entirely possible that more time than the second shown on screen passed, and if Vespa regained some consciousness or semi-consciousness in this time, she could have turned her head.


24th Mar 2004

Spaceballs (1987)

Corrected entry: When Lone Starr drops the blow drier on the desert, the plug and some of the cord stays in the suitcase. But when it shows it on the ground later, the whole cord and the plug are on the ground right next to it.

Correction: The second shot of the drier comes after a cut, where the characters have picked up the luggage again and walked for ten meters. When they did this, which is not shown on camera, they freed the cord from the suitcase.


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