Jane Doe

22nd Nov 2005

Collateral (2004)

Corrected entry: Why is it that Max, Annie, and then Vincent enter a Los Angeles subway and there is almost no one in it? Even though it is nighttime, Los Angeles has the second busiest subway in the United States.

Correction: I'm from LA, and have ridden the subway late at night, and it's sometimes eerily empty. It's also almost empty mid-afternoon during non-rush hour.

Jane Doe

1st Sep 2004

Collateral (2004)

Correction: The train that they board is the exact same train that is currently in use. It is the Metro Blue Line train that goes to Long Beach. The newer trains are used in the subway, which is the Metro Red Line.

Jane Doe

But when they are running through the station, they go down to the lower platform for the Red Line, but they are on the Long Beach train that leaves from the upper platform, which is also the starting point for this train, so there wouldn't be any passengers already on it.

17th Aug 2004

Collateral (2004)

Corrected entry: When Max picks up the prosecutor outside her building, it's daylight. As the scene shifts to them talking inside the cab, it's dark outside.

Correction: He doesn't pick her up outside her building, he picks her up from the airport. It was sunset when she was picked up, that is why it became dark.

Jane Doe

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