Super Grover

24th Jan 2017

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When David opens his briefcase he finds a stack of cards inside with a sticky note that reads, "Read these - a random sample!", but later when he removes the rubber band and reads the cards, the handwriting on the sticky note has changed. (01:35:50 - 01:41:25)

Super Grover

22nd Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: During the final scenes in the airport, as Juliet and Peter run toward Jamie and Aurelia, in the first shot passing on Juliet's right is a bearded man in a suit jacket. In the next shot as Juliet kisses Aurelia the same man just walks through the doorway and starts to pass Juliet. Then in the next shot he enters once again walking behind Jamie. There are others in the terminal whose positions also differ in consecutive shots. (02:06:40)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jamie and Aurelia meet up with Juliet, Peter and Mark at the airport terminal, Mark's coat collar jumps back and forth between being up in the back or lying entirely flat depending on the angle of the shot. (02:06:50)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sam sneaks past the airline employee in the first shot the jewellery salesman unloads the employee's arms and tosses his coat over his left arm, then puts his gloves into his left hand and takes his luggage with his right hand. However, in the next shot the gloves have vanished. (01:59:55)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: After the airline employee does not allow Sam through to the gate the jewellery salesman loads his bag, coat and gloves into the arms of the employee which gives Sammy a chance to run for it. The position of all his belongings in the arms of the airline employee changes between shots. (01:59:45)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Karen spots David at the school before the performance, the positions of the striped scarf around her neck and the hanger in her hand differ in the side shots and the shots facing her, as well as her hand position in consecutive shots. (01:49:15)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: After opening her gift from Harry, Karen excuses herself and goes to their bedroom. In the two close-ups the oval photograph of Harry and her is beside the stereo, albeit their position differs a bit and the Joni Mitchell CD is lying on the stereo, but in the wide shot of Karen the photograph is gone and the CD is positioned quite differently. (01:28:50)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During David and the US President's press conference, the people standing near Natalie at the back of the room change in the close-ups, semi close-ups and wide shots. (00:42:50)

Super Grover

20th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Sarah is leaving Harry's office, Karl walks in and Sarah backs up towards the coat rack behind her which stands right beside the cabinet. When Sarah walks out in the next shot, the coat rack is visible through the glass wall and it is now much closer to the doorway. (00:19:40)

Super Grover

20th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: Sarah walks into Harry's office, sits down and much of her hair is tucked behind her ears in the side shot. In the next few front shots her hair is first draped straight down, then tucked a bit, and when she stands up in the side shot her hair is positioned as the first side shot, all without her ever touching her hair. (00:18:30)

Super Grover

20th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Colin speaks with Nancy at Juliet and Peter's wedding reception he puts the 'dead baby finger' hors d'oeuvre into his mouth in the first shot, but when he spits it back out into his fingers in the next shot, not having chewed or swallowed any, the hors d'oeuvre is quite a bit smaller. (00:12:45)

Super Grover

20th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the long day of (non) negotiations David and the US President sit on the sofas to talk. In the first wide shot the pillow stripes under the President's arm are vertical. In the following close-ups they lie horizontal, then back to vertical in the wide shot. (00:41:15)

Super Grover

19th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Sarah and Karl arrive at her flat, she runs up first to straighten up a bit and throws her coat over a bunch of clothes on the chair. Karl then joins her upstairs and, in the wide shot as they rush towards each other, the coat is positioned differently than in the following close-up as they embrace. (01:09:50)

Super Grover

14th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: As Billy Mack appears on Ant & Dec's show, in the opening front shot of the set there are teenagers on the stands behind him and the two hosts, plus on the right of the screen, near the stands, additional kids stand on the stage clapping. In the next shot while Joe, Billy's manager, watches the monitor at the side of the stage, behind Joe the stage is visible and the extra kids standing near the stands are gone, so as to have perfect view of Billy and the hosts. However they are back in the next front shot. (00:33:55)

Super Grover

14th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Juliet and Mark are at his flat there is a tall metal self-standing hanging rack and a tall black art canister directly in front of certain canvases and frames. As Juliet inserts the video in the wide shot, the rack and canister are gone. Yet, in the next shot they are back. (00:52:45)

Super Grover

14th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: In France, when Jamie's phone rings he and Aurelia try to find where it's hidden in the paper mess on the desk. As they search, the notebooks and papers differ greatly in the wide shot, the following close-up when Aurelia finds the phone and in the next wide shot. (00:47:10)

Super Grover

13th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Juliet arrives at Mark's flat and brings banoffee pie with her, wanting to see the wedding video. She slips the video into the VCR and places the open pastry box on top of the TV stand. As she takes her jacket off the pastry box is gone, yet in the next shot of the TV the box is right next to the remote, which then changes position in the last shot when the remote disappears. The TV is in the center of the stand in some shots, but to the left of the stand in other shots. The video cassettes, etc., change/alter their position within these shots as well. (00:53:10)

Super Grover

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