
10th Apr 2020

General questions

I see a lot in movies, where people will be walking or going around in sewers with rats. Almost always these rats are shown to have no fear at all and almost ignore the people completely. Yet if you see a rat in your house, it's going to run from you like a mouse I believe. So is this really accurate to show rats having no fear of people when down in the sewers?

Quantom X

Answer: Rats, being much larger than house mice, have less fear. Given that they likely go to the surface to scavenge for food, they are likely used to being around people.


1st May 2007

General questions

Bear with me, it's been about 8 years since I've seen this movie. I remember something about cyborg teddy bear toys, like plushies, and there was some sort of plot where they were turning evil, not sure if they were lethal or not. But their eyes would turn red and stuff. (Sorry it's not more descriptive; can't think of anything else.) Do you know what the title of the movie is?

Answer: It is an episode from Honey I Shrunk the Kids The TV series. The episode is called Ho eat the Bear is Bad News. I remember this episode back when the show was on TV and one of the stuffed bears became infected with a computer virus and it passed it on to all of the other bears.

Answer: It's possible that it's Gremlins [1984]. Gremlins were little bear-looking creatures that would turn evil when fed after midnight. Water made them multiply.

It can't be gremlins because the Mogwai weren't cyborgs or even looked like a bear and it was only the gremlins that had red eyes.

Answer: Another possible answer is the 1995 horror film "Screamers." One of the titular robots is a red-eyed teddy bear.


No, the screamer is a little boy holding a teddy bear.


The teddy bear at the end revealed that it was a screamer as well, the missing model the humans never discovered.


No, Jessica is the screamer model they missed. The teddy bear and little boy are one screamer model together.


11th Sep 2013

General questions

I saw this movie in the 90s where in one scene a girl and a guy are in a laundry room of an apartment, I think. The girl asks the guy if he wants to touch her breast. She sits atop of the washing machine while he does so. I also think the girl and her friend share the apartment room.

Answer: "Slums of Beverly Hills" starring Natasha Lyonne.


17th May 2013

General questions

I am searching for a movie that I believe was made in the 90s.The plot involves a teenage girl who runs away for the summer due to family problems (from what I can remember it was stepmother in particular.) She ends up staying with her brother for the summer, who I believe lives on or by a lake. Her family finds out from her brother that she is there and follows her. This includes her mother and other extended family. I vaguely remember a pregnant girlfriend of a family member who falls in love with someone else (the brother perhaps?) And stays with him in the the end. I also remember a sister who falls in love. I saw this on TV, so it may have been a made for TV movie. Does this movie sound familiar?

Answer: That would be 1992's "Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even".


13th Dec 2012

General questions

I am looking for the title of a movie about a man from the future who falls in love with a woman in the present. He knows she will be struck and killed by a taxi at a certain corner at a certain time. He is forbidden by the time travel rules of his future society from saving her but he tries to anyway, and in fact his attempts to injure the taxi driver the night before are the cause of the accident. But in the end he turns out to have a rare mental ability to alter events simply through the intensity of his love.

Answer: Sounds like "Happy Accidents" starring Marissa Tomei and Vincent D'Onofrio.


13th Dec 2012

General questions

What is the movie where there is a boy who moves to a new town and has to attend a new school. He likes to skateboard and has a half pipe at his house. He either gets or finds a dog and falls in love with him. In the end of the movie, the boy is taken with current in a river and the dog saves him. The dog ends up being taken over the waterfall and they think the dog is gone for good, but the dog shows up waiting for the boy outside his school days later? Time frame for this movie is 1995 to 2005.

Answer: It's the 1994 version of "Lassie" starring Tom Guiry.


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