
Question: I am curious about one scene. After Bender gets his "stash" back from Brian, Andrew looks at Claire and shakes his head. Claire walks off and Andrew and Brian have some kind of whisper exchange and Brian then walks off. My interpretation of this scene is Andrew has just dumped Claire and Brian can't understand why he"s done it. If not, could someone explain this scene to me?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It's rather simple. Andrew is trying to tell Claire and Brian not to go smoke pot with Bender, in addition to trying to hold back from his own desire to try it.


Answer: Andrew and Claire were never a couple. They knew each other casually in the school hallway. They were upset that Bender would use Brian to hold his "stash." They thought Brian was too smart to do something that stupid. They were also upset at Bender for bring his stash to school and involving someone else in his scheme. They were starting to become friends at this point and disappointed at both of them.

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