
19th Feb 2013

Predator (1987)

Corrected entry: Throughout the movie Dutch is referred to as Major, and Mac is referred to as Sergeant, yet when Mac runs up as Blain has just been killed, he yells "Sergeant" as he begins firing at the Predator.

Correction: He doesn't say "Sergeant." He says "Contact", meaning he's spotted an enemy.


Correction: I'm looking for an explanation of why Mac yelled, "Sergeant," because I turned on closed captioning and that's what he said, not "contact."

At first I heard "sergeant", but after replaying it a few times, I heard "contact." The first syllable you can hear the 'kän sound but he fades off and you don't really hear a hard "takt" sound. It should be noted that Blain's rank was sergeant.


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