
Corrected entry: When Dr. Robert Langdon and Agent Sophie Neveu arrive at Chateau Villette in the armored vehicle, the helicopter pan across the chateau shows the building lit up with accent lighting. When Dr. Robert Langdon answers the three questions correctly and Sir Leigh Teabing allows them entry, the chateau is dark and then the same accent lights turn on to welcome their entry.

Correction: The accent lighting might be motion sensor activated and had been triggered earlier by someone fixing something on the house and then went off. When Langdon and Neveu show up, the sensor is triggered again. Happens at my house all the time.


20th May 2006

The Da Vinci Code (2006)

Corrected entry: At one point, Sophie gets thrown to the ground and gashes up her right knee. She's shown cleaning it on the plane later. However, for most of the movie after that, she has no injury on her knee. It doesn't show up again until toward the end.

Correction: It is possible that it had stopped bleeding (it did look very minor) and therefore, as soon as she washed the blood off, it wouldn't be nearly as noticeable.


And she wasn't cleaning it on the plane it was on the bus.

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